Welcome Advisor Mockup

Here I try authoring a page that includes predicates that can be repeatedly evaluated as one works. These would be sprinkled through step by step advice in order to confirm progress in a workflow.

I will address the Site for a Purpose workflow described several other ways elsewhere.

Create a new site to engage collaborators in a new purpose. Define carefully your role and an agenda that meets your purpose. Leave room for others to invent.

I will write predicates as I would author them as the advice giver. The advice receiver would see some yet to be designed indication of expectation and/or success.


I will help you create your Welcome Visitor page. This page will help others find out who you are and what you have made for them here. First a few checks to make sure we are ready to go.

This advice applies to subdomains of fed.wiki.org SUBDOMAIN fed.wiki.org You will be writing on your own site. Is this site, $site, the one provided for you? CHECKBOX Yes, this is to be my site.

You will need to eventually claim this site as your own so that only you can write on it. See Claim Ownership Advisor CLAIMED User $owner has claimed ownership of this site. Is this your name as it appears in an email address? CHECKBOX Yes, $owner is my email name. You will need to login to this site in order to complete your welcome page. Press the blue Sign in button at the bottom of this web page. LOGIN You are logged in and ready to edit.

You will use Welcome Visitors to guide yourself and others to the pages where you work. Every site should have its own welcome. Don't fork this from others unless you have really thought through the consequences.

You will need to have your Welcome Visitors page open for editing in the lineup of pages on the display. Click this link to open Welcome Visitors now. OPEN Welcome Visitors If you do not see your Welcome Visitors page then try navigating with the arrow keys or click this link to open another copy.

We provide a template with well marked places to enter the expected links to your important pages. The first is your Who Page.

I will scroll your Welcome Visitors page into view. ACTIVE Welcome Visitors I am not seeing the place we have reserved for a link to your Who Page. See Starting Over Advisor. ITEM 63ad2e58eecdd9e5 There are instructions that begin "Create a page about yourself." Double-click that box and type your name surrounded with double [ [ square brackets ] ]. TEXT I see text in the box that begins "$text" but I do not see any square brackets. Try editing again. TEXT \[|\] I see text in the box that begins "$text" but I do not see a properly formatted link. Try editing again. See also Internal Link Markup LINKS I see $count links where I expect one link to a Who Page. If this is a team project then each team member should have their own site with their own Who Page. LINK Are you happy with "$link" as the name you will be known as in this project? Full names properly capitalized are always good. For privacy you may choose to use just your first name or even a pseudonym. CHECKBOX Yes, I am happy to be known as $link. You can continue here or go make the $link page now. You should choose to use the Who Page Template so that you can get easy advice making this page too.

You will now create a page that describes what you are here to do and share. A good name is a short verb phrase that completes the sentence, "I am ____ ___ ___"

I am not seeing the place we have reserved for a link to your What Page. See Starting Over Advisor. ITEM 05e2fa92643677ca There are instructions that begin "Create pages about things you do." Double-click that box and type your first project title surrounded with double [ [ square brackets ] ]. TEXT I see text in the box that begins "$text" but I do not see any square brackets. Try editing again. TEXT \[|\] I see text in the box that begins "$text" but I do not see a properly formatted link. Try editing again. See also Internal Link Markup LINKS I see $count links where I expect one or two link to Who Pages. If you have many projects consider making a new page that lists them with short descriptions. LINK Are you happy with "$link" as the name for your project? Prefer a short phrase with title capitalization. A good title is relatively unique but still descriptive. A little vague is ok but cryptic is not a help to you or anyone else. CHECKBOX Yes, I am happy to have my work known as $link. You can continue here or go make the $link page now. You should choose to use the What Page Template so that you can get easy advice making this page too.

You will find a paragraph on your Welcome Visitors page that describes the work you have just done. You can delete this by editing it to be blank. Double click the paragraph, select all, type delete, save with ctrl/alt-S.

You will find a paragraph on your Welcome Visitors page that has links to convenient resources like Recent Changes and How To Wiki. Don't erase this paragraph. You will be glad to have these resources close at hand.


We'll create an Advice plugin that compiles its text into a sequence of alternating prompts and predicates. Only one prompt will show, the prompt before the first failing predicate. Or the last prompt if no predicate fails.

With no failing predicates the advice will have been followed and will be displayed with a largish check mark âś“showing its completion. Formatting should make it easy to spot the first Advice that has not been completed.

As predicates complete they will make parameters available to be substituted into subsequent prompts and predicates. We expect the scope of these parameters to be the one item.

The checkbox predicate will need to remember its check-state. This could be by recording an edit action but this would mean the advice has been forked and not subject to future update. Browser local storage is a possibility or cookies even.

There is advantage to breaking a long stream of predicates into multiple Advice plugins in cases where some context establishing predicates can be usefully ignored should the advisee choose to jump ahead.