Code for America announces that it will be partnering with Nike to “Code for a Better World” by Abhi
Nemani. post
Good ideas, it seems, are contagious. Code for America’s premise relies on the belief that some of the biggest problems we face as a society can be taken on by talented and passionate individuals eager to make a difference. That concept is becoming more and more real every day as our fellows work with our government partners, and we’re excited now help to extend it from the public sector into the private.
Nike is launching its own fellowship program called, “Code for a Better World,” and they are seeking applicants to help them promote openness within their organization — the same kind of positive disruption we’re hoping to achieve with our cities.
quoting nike
At Nike we know tomorrow’s world will be radically different from today’s. To thrive in a world where resources are constrained, where people and governments and systems are fully connected, where sustainability is an imperative, not a choice, where transparency is requisite, we believe we need innovation. Disruptive, radical, jaw-dropping innovation. Innovation we cannot imagine. That kind of innovation is not going to come only from within. It will require the best of what we’ve got, along with unlikely partnerships, collaborations and open innovation.
We believe that data and technology will be key to unleashing new innovations.
Nike is looking for a person with the skills, passion and know-how to use data and technology to solve problems standing between business-as-usual and a sustainable future. We’re looking for a creative visionary who also has both feet firmly on the ground — one in Nike and one in the open data world, ready to run. We’re looking for a Code for a Better World Fellow.
In particular, the fellow will work with the Nike data team to open up their sustainability data, creating a platform for developers, designers, and researchers. We’re thrilled to be helping them recruit, train, and mentor their fellows. Nike is setting the example for corporate sustainability and transparency, and we can only hope that other companies follow suit.
The application asked for a cover letter and a portfolio of past work. I prepared my application over a weekend by pasting screenshots into keynote. pdf
My correspondence regarding this application ran from May 12, to June 27, 2011, with the subject line "Code for a Better World Fellow". See Sent mail.