Happening Folks

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Coder of fedwiki, facilitator of #fedwikihappening.

A coder, and curator on github , of fedwiki. Foo Bar

Nick is a JavaScript nerd, and contributor to Federated Wiki

Director of Blended and Networked Learning, WSU Vancouver. Fedwiki evangelist.

Instructor and Research Associate at Penn State's Center for Online Innovation in Learning (COIL).

Jason Green, Distance Learning Administrator.


Author of The Digital Scholar and The Battle for Open. Former director of SocialLearn project at the Open University.

Associate Prof of Practice, American University in Cairo. Open Educator.

Open educator and researcher, Galway. Research in digital identity practices, and exploring the boundary between formal and informal learning.

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Original EDUPUNK. ds106 evangelist. Most recently seen on open course #thewire.

The guy that made all that UMW "vision" stuff actually work. (along with others, of course)

Director of Educational Technology for the Georgia Institute of Technology, former Sakai product manager.

MIT Media Lab, Peer-to-Peer University co-founder, former OpenCourseWare Consortium board membet.

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Expert in International Online Curriculum Development and Learning Technologies

Edtech Researcher, currently at HarvardX. Did largest systematic study of wiki collaboration in education.

Responsible for "MOOC" word, but actually has done much more interesting things in Rhizomatic Learning space.

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Director of Digital Learning Initiatives at Stanford.

Education Writer/Reporter

Creator/co-creator of Daily Create, ds106. Maintainer of Wordpress Assignment Bank. Frequent spawner of typos and snark

Open Education researcher, and Museum MOOC guy

‎Director of eLearning and Instructional Design at Everett Community College

Canada Research Chair in Innovative Learning and Technology & Associate Professor at Royal Roads University

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