Chaos Engineering

Chaos Engineering is a philosophy of testing that tackles systemic uncertainty head-on. Chaos as a discipline is changing the way the industry builds complex distributed systems. pnsqc

Case studies from Netflix, which constitutes about a third of the Internet’s packets at peak, illustrate the need for Chaos, numerous ways it can be implemented, and exhibit the trust that can be built into an inherently unpredictable system.

YOUTUBE 9MvcXO4L4Tk Published on Oct 23, 2015

Casey Rosenthal raises and answers the question, if we can’t reason about a complex distributed systems, how can we have confidence in it?

Decentralized Engineering

Artificially Incomprehensible


Intuition Engineering blog

Chaos Engineering blog


An empirical, systems-based approach addresses the chaos in distributed systems at scale and builds confidence in the ability of those systems to withstand realistic conditions. We learn about the behavior of a distributed system by observing it during a controlled experiment. We call this Chaos Engineering. site

See: A curated list of awesome Chaos Engineering resources. github