If you ride or ever have ridden to work or school or shopping rather than hopping in a car. Heck, we'll talk to any alternative transportation enthusiasts. The US bike share movement in Washington DC, Seattle, WA, and Portland, OR (to (to name a few) offer exciting transportation alternatives as supported by city taxpayers. However, employers need to support and advocate transportation alternatives. Especially at a time when public funding support of buses is declining.
I commute eight miles each way over the Portland west hills, a few hundred feet of climbing twice a day every day. I can't seem to make a space or a paragraph here, so I look like I'm taking Ward's space...
I commute by car Monday-Friday, but I try to ride as much as I can on the weekends and after work (when it's light). If I lived closer to where I work, I would commute by bike.
Each pattern addresses a particular kind of challenge that often occurs for bicycles, and offers a practical way of making a safer, easier path for bikes. Links are included to other resources, specifications and other technical information, including research.
I'm a routine bicycle commuter now but not long ago I would prefer to ride midday. Now, with the aid of cycleroute.org I relive my favorite climbs.
What about Strava? If you don't like the competitive aspect, it's nice to see other routes. I'll admit enjoying the title of Queen of the Mountains (only no polka dotted jersey, unfortunately).
I bought a Felt/Bosch electric assist bike with the hopes of expanding my commute route choices by making the harder routes easier. So far the reverse is true. Is this because of the bike or the route? All of the sweet technology is there, but if you don't have the space on the street, then it doesn't matter. Cars rule the roads yet people forget that we originally paved streets for bicycles before the automobile. I read somewhere (but I'll have to look it up) that the rubber industry lobbied to get rid of the cable car. That movement and the rising popularity of the automobile chased Americans away from their bicycles.
Clay Fenlason: trying to add myself to the people list above, as Ward has, but can't work out how, though I'm sure it's something simple I'm clueless about.
Alyson Indrunas just did it, and yes, I am clueless.