Kent and I summed up 15 months of close collaboration with this advice to our peers in the computer research laboratory upon his departure.
We described technique we had use to explore and exploit Smalltalk-80. The advice was operational. Things anyone could do. Practices that provided the roots of extreme programming and then all other agile methods.
Now, decades later, I dissect the spirit of that presentation as I understood then and reinterpret it today.
Be Competent. Wield the capabilities of your environment with confidence and curiosity.
Be Beautiful. Trust that you can know this quality and that you can produce it, even embody it, bountifully.
Be of Service. Understand those who depend upon you and act in their interests with forethought and empathy.
Kent and I had these three bullets in front of us when we were reunited for a one hour video presentation based loosely on this outline and broadcast live December 2, 2014 as part of the Hack Summit website